HBC News

Ministerial News

We are delighted to announce that Rev Robert Foster has accepted our call to be our next Minister. Robert expects to move into the area and start work with us in September 2024. Dates for the induction will follow.

Prayer Request Box

The prayer request box is in situ and in use.

Contactless Giving

We are now able to accept donations using contactless technology. To use this facility scan the QR displayed in the foyer with your smartphone camera and follow the instructions. You can also visit https://pay.sumup.com/b2c/Q6E4LMLR or scan this QR code.


Church Membership

Speak to one of the deacons if you would like to talk about becoming a Church Member. Church Membership is a special and significant way to identify yourself with this local Baptist Church and to show your commitment to our shared life and work.

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