A church in the Heart of Headcorn with a Heart for the people of Headcorn and the surrounding villages
Our purpose is to 'share the love of Jesus with people so they come to truly know Him'
We have a vision
Where we want to be in 5 years:
Our vision is to become a spiritual hub for Headcorn and the surrounding villages. Over the next 5 years we will work towards fulfilling this vision and we have adopted 5 aims to enable us to achieve this:
We want to deepen our relationships with God and be more fully led by the Holy Spirit... We recognise that this is a natural part of being a disciple, but we want to be proactive in encouraging and enabling people to grow in their understanding of God and their faith, and how it is worked out in life
We want to be a truly inclusive church where everyone can find a spiritual home... We believe the church should be a sanctuary for people, somewhere they can become the people that God created them to be, without being judged or excluded because of prejudice of any kind
We want our church to grow aiming to triple in size in the next 5 years... Growth should be a natural part of life, but we recognise that for a variety of reasons sometimes growth stops, so we aim to make the church healthy and vigorous so that growth happens naturally
We want to engage with every generation in a positive and helpful way... Every local church is part of the family of God, and families span all generations from new-borns through to elders, all of whom are valued and important, so we want our church family to be multi-generational
We want to actively serve our community filling gaps that currently exist... We believe that part of serving God is being willing to show His love in our community by being practically involved and helping where it is needed; we want to do this in ways that are not already happening
How we will achieve this vision?
We will base all we do on the GROW foundation. This simple way of thinking will underpin our efforts, to ensure that we are kept on focus and on track to meet our mission aims
We will stand firm in the truth of the Christian gospel as we understand it, whatever society might think... We acknowledge that society does not always agree with or like the true Christian message, but that does not mean we should ever stop proclaiming what we believe - loudly and proudly
We will allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, accepting that this will mean change for us in the years ahead... We must learn to submit to the Holy Spirit allowing His fruit to become ever more evident, His gifts to be more widely used, and His guidance to be behind all that we do
We will constantly review our activities to ensure that all we do helps us in meeting our vision aims... This is a reminder to us that we should use our resources (of people, effort, time, and finances) wisely, to fulfil our God given mission
We will systematically reach out to people, ensuring our efforts are properly focussed and prepared... Everyone hears the message of Jesus differently, so we need to ensure that we are always communicating as effectively as we can
We will be consistently outward focussed in all we do, recognising that our community is full of people who do not yet know Jesus as Saviour... This is important to us, as it is so easy to think that the church is all about us, what we want and like, rather than remembering that the church exists to lead new people into a loving relationship with God
We will make sure everyone is equipped and trained for the tasks they are asked to do in the service of God in the church... We don’t do any of this alone, so we will ensure that gifts and talents are used wisely so that everyone is fully equipped for their Godly work
We want to...
Part of our vision is to grow our church, and this simple word has become an acronym for us to state clearly what we mean by this:
We want to…
G - Go deeper with God |
R - Reach out to others |
O - Overcome obstacles |
W - Work together |
All through the bible people are called to go deeper with God, and this often meant telling people about Him, particularly when Jesus appeared, though there were often obstacles to this happening, both spiritual and practical. We believe that overcoming these is best done by working together, whatever our background or denomination, and that this is vitally important for the church today and is how God will help us to grow.
Going deeper with God
Ephesians 3:16-19
All through the bible the great figures of faith are called to go deeper with God. We believe this is also the task of every believer today.
Reaching out to others
Ephesians 4:11-13
From the moment God called people to be close to him there was a need to tell others about Him. We believe this is still vitally important.
Overcoming obstacles
Ephesians 6:10-13
When people decide to do God’s work opposition is inevitable. We believe in not allowing any obstacle to stop us achieving good for God.
Working together
Ephesians 4:2-6
God’s people have always focussed on unity and working together to do great things for Him. We believe in doing the same in church life today.